No Game No Life: Making the Mecha-Boys Watch Fan-service
Aschente! This episode rounds out our Host Pick content with one of Amelia's favorite anime No Game No Life. I mean the guys made her watch two mecha shows IN A ROW so she had to stun 'em with one of the most noted fan service anime. Don't be fooled by bumbling breasts or shower scenes, on the surface this might look like an over exposed kaleidoscope but if you give it a chance there is some really great world building, unbreakable sibling bonds (don't read too much into that) and a plethora otaku references! We also review Earwig and the Witch, the newest Studio Ghibli film by baby Miyazaki himself. Is it good? Bad? Join us as we discuss 2014's most hype anime and a movie undeserving of an oscar nomination!